What is Marcus & Millichap's ticker symbol?

The Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "MMI".

When was Marcus & Millichap incorporated, and in which state?

The Company was formed as a sole proprietorship in 1971, incorporated in California on August 26, 1976 as G. M. Marcus & Company, and renamed as Marcus & Millichap, Inc. in August 1978, Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Brokerage Company in September 1985, and Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services, Inc., or MMREIS, in February 2007. In June 2013, MMC formed a holding company called Marcus & Millichap, Inc. in Delaware.

Where are Marcus & Millichap's headquarters?

The Company's headquarters are located at:

23975 Park Sorrento Suite 400 Calabasas, CA 91302 Tel: (818) 212-2250 Fax: (818) 212-2260

How long has the company's stock been publicly traded?

The Company's initial public offering of shares was made in October 2013 under the name Marcus & Millichap, Inc.

What is Marcus & Millichap's fiscal year?

The Company’s fiscal year is based on the calendar year. The last day of the fiscal year is December 31.

Who is Marcus & Millichap's auditor?

The Company’s auditor is Ernst & Young LLP.

How can I get added to your list to recieve notices of earnings releases?

Select the option to recieve email alerts for Press Releases on this page.

Whom do I contact if my address has changed or I need information about my Marcus & Millichap shares?

You should contact our transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST).

What is the CUSIP number for Marcus & Millichap stock?

The CUSIP number for Marcus & Millichap is 566324109.